Summary: VinuSwap is an AMM DEX, with in-house swap, staking, and LP locking capabilities.
VinuSwap is a decentralized exchange with several key features, bringing a range of utility to the VINU ecosystem. The combination of these features also allows the savviest of investors to maximize their yield.
VinuSwap will be an automated market maker (AMM) decentralized swap. It allows users to swap their tokens – even small amounts – without needing to engage with order books. Prospective traders can make their trades at the best rates with low fees, via a simple and intuitive front-end interface.
Users will also have the chance to provide liquidity to the trading pairs on VinuSwap. A significant portion of the trading fees incurred on the VinuSwap will be distributed back to the liquidity pools. Over time, and depending on the trading volume on VinuSwap, this increases the value of the liquidity pool (LP) tokens that providers hold.
VinuSwap will also offer an in-house staking platform, independent of other staking platforms. VINU holders will be able to stake their VINU tokens (and other tokens) to earn various token rewards. Liquidity providers will also be able to stake their LP tokens to further increase their yield.
LP Lock
Liquidity providers are able to lock their LP in-house, removing the need to look elsewhere.
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