Lockup Calls

Stake lockup calls reference

Lock up stake

Reward for a non-locked stake is 30% (base rate) of the full reward for a locked stake.

  • Minimum lock-up period is 14 days.

Note that validator's stake must be locked up before validator's delegations can lock their stake. The specified lockup period of a delegation must not exceed the validator's current lockup period.

Delegation can be locked partially according to the specified amount.

lockupDuration is lockup duration in seconds. Must be >= 14 days, <= 365 days


  • To lock up for 14 days, lockupDuration = 86400 x 14 = 1209600

lockupDuration proportionally increases lockup rate for rewards.

  • For 14 days, rewards are 30%+2.684931% of the total reward rate.

  • For 365 days, rewards are 30%+70% of the total reward rate.

    • (30% + (0.00191780785714286 * Days))

sfcc.lockStake(validatorID, lockupDuration, web3.toWei("amount", "vc"), {from: "0xAddress"})


  • Amount is smaller or equal to unlocked stake

  • Previous lockup period (if any) must end before the new period starts.

  • lockupDuration >= 14 days

  • lockupDuration <= 365 days

  • Validator's lockup period must end after delegation's lockup period will expire

  • Validator is active


function minLockupDuration() public pure returns (uint256) {return 86400 * 14;}

function maxLockupDuration() public pure returns (uint256) {return 86400 * 365;}

Re-lock stake

Extend lockup period or increase lockup up stake.

If user is already lockup up, the call will create a new lockup entry with parameters: lockedStake=prevLockedStake+amount and lockup duration=newLockupDuration.


  1. Alice had locked up 10 VC for 3 months a month ago, and she has to wait 2 months until lockup expiration

  2. She called relockStake(validatorID, 4 months, 5 VC)

  3. As a result, now she has 15 VC as locked up, and she has to wait 4 months until lockup expiration (2 months longer, despite new lockup duration being only 1 month longer)

sfcc.relockStake(validatorID, newLockupDuration, web3.toWei("amount", "vc"), {from: "0xAddress"})


  • Amount is smaller or equal to unlocked stake

  • lockupDuration >= previous lockupDuration (if locked up). Note that previous lockupDuration is not locked time remaining but lockup duration of existing lockup.

  • lockupDuration >= 14 days

  • lockupDuration <= 365 days

  • Validator's lockup period must end not earlier than delegation's lockup period will expire

  • Validator is active

Unlock stake prematurely

Unlock the stake before lockup duration has elapsed.

The following penalty will be withheld from the unlocked amount:

  • (base rate = 30%)/2 + lockup rate of rewards received for epochs during the lockup period

sfcc.unlockStake(validatorID, web3.toWei("amount", "vc"), {from: "0xAddress"})


  • Amount is greater than zero

  • Amount is smaller or equal to locked stake

  • Delegation is locked up (fully or partially)

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