Lockup Calls
Stake lockup calls reference
Lock up stake
Reward for a non-locked stake is 30% (base rate) of the full reward for a locked stake.
Minimum lock-up period is 14 days.
Note that validator's stake must be locked up before validator's delegations can lock their stake. The specified lockup period of a delegation must not exceed the validator's current lockup period.
Delegation can be locked partially according to the specified amount.
is lockup duration in seconds. Must be >= 14 days, <= 365 days
To lock up for 14 days,
= 86400 x 14 = 1209600
proportionally increases lockup rate
for rewards.
For 14 days, rewards are
of the total reward rate.For 365 days, rewards are
of the total reward rate.(30% + (0.00191780785714286 * Days))
Amount is smaller or equal to
unlocked stake
Previous lockup period (if any) must end before the new period starts.
>= 14 dayslockupDuration
<= 365 daysValidator's lockup period must end after delegation's lockup period will expire
Validator is active
Re-lock stake
Extend lockup period or increase lockup up stake.
If user is already lockup up, the call will create a new lockup entry with parameters: lockedStake=prevLockedStake+amount
and lockup duration=newLockupDuration
Alice had locked up 10 VC for 3 months a month ago, and she has to wait 2 months until lockup expiration
She called relockStake(validatorID, 4 months, 5 VC)
As a result, now she has 15 VC as locked up, and she has to wait 4 months until lockup expiration (2 months longer, despite new lockup duration being only 1 month longer)
Amount is smaller or equal to
unlocked stake
>=previous lockupDuration
(if locked up). Note thatprevious lockupDuration
is notlocked time remaining
butlockup duration
of existing lockup.lockupDuration
>= 14 dayslockupDuration
<= 365 daysValidator's lockup period must end not earlier than delegation's lockup period will expire
Validator is active
Unlock stake prematurely
Unlock the stake before lockup duration has elapsed.
The following penalty will be withheld from the unlocked amount:
(base rate = 30%)/2 + lockup rate
of rewards received for epochs during the lockup period
Amount is greater than zero
Amount is smaller or equal to
locked stake
Delegation is locked up (fully or partially)
Last updated